
Showing posts from December, 2012

Speed Training.

You can always for an off road Speed Training group session, just go out and do reps, 3 x 4 sets of 400m on the flat with 1 minute rest between each rep....but why not do something a little different. A handicap route. For example, a 3.25mile route with 525 feet of ascent over varied terrain. Start with a  single track hill climb of 200 feet, a short flat run along an old land rover track, a long descent of the rocky path to a bridge a climb up a forest trail , downhill to cross a ford [ wet feet ], after a short uphill then more or less a flat fast trail to the start / finish point. You time yourself and after the first run you are handicapped on your time to complete the route. If the handicap is correct then you should all finish around the same time. Not only are you running against the clock but you have added incentive of trying to catch the runner in front of you. Do this for a summer, say every 4 weeks, see if you improve. So speed training with a little valuable race technique